Tuesday, January 13, 2009

California (XII) Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher

I continue today with Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher, Democrat, representative of California's 10th Congressional District:

Dear Congresswoman Tauscher,

I write you as a concerned citizen to solicit your support for a Marriage Equality Amendment recognizing the right of same-sex couples to marry. You have been a vocal and forthright defender of civil rights in the Congress, fighting to end the absurd "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in the U.S. military and to enact legislation protecting citizens from employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. With respect to this last issue, you issued the following statement:

“Freedom from discrimination in the workplace is a civil right that should be afforded to all Americans. The exclusion of gay, lesbian, and bisexual Americans from this basic protection amounts to pure bigotry. I am proud that the Congress has acted on this long overdue legislation, and I will continue to support efforts to eradicate discrimination of any kind, including that based on gender identity.”

If exclusion of LGBT citizens from protections in the workplace is bigotry, surely same-sex couples' exclusion from the basic protections of marriage is even more so. The natural desire to form families is an even more common and fundamental aspect of human life, yet same-sex couples face legal handicaps in this regard that the majority of citizens never encounter. Like freedom from discrimination in the workplace, marriage to the partner of one's choice is a civil right. Not only is this right being denied to same-sex couples in most states, but an active campaign is afoot to roll back recognition of these rights in the few places where it has been won through hard struggle and sacrifice.

The basic rights of our citizens will never be reliably safeguarded until the U.S. Constitution is amended to read: "The right to marry shall not be abridged or denied by the United States or any state on account of sex or sexual orientation." If you were to take up the cause of this amendment, Congresswoman, it would be a fitting continuation of all the good work you have done thus far in defense and promotion of Americans' civil rights. I know that our nation faces grave threats to our domestic economy and our foreign policy security, but I hope that we will not be distracted from the search for "a more perfect Union" that is our common legacy as Americans. Please consider advocating for this amendment among your colleagues in the House and Senate.

I thank you for your service to our nation and your attention on this matter, I hope this message finds you well.


Andrew Meyer

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